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Post-release monitoring and long-term effects of LMOs released into the environment

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Gene flow [#858]
What I much concern is gene flow and its ecological consequence. Long-term effect is much hard to work on. Most confident and hard works and assessements should be finished before large release. Gene flow could spontenously happen in nature but could be in low probability. However, small probability event could result in high damages. To simulate this process in a short period we can manage to obtain advanced generation of the hybrids and backcross between crop and wild relatives. The fitness of these plants will be assessed in the simulation of field situation with competition under certain circumstances.

Wei Wei
Institute of Botany
Chinese Academy of Sciences
20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan
Beijing 100093
P. R. China
Email: [email protected]
posted on 2008-12-09 07:00 UTC by Mr. Wei Wei, China