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Online Forum on the Action Agenda/Biosafety

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Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11116]

Dear Forum Participants,

We are pleased and honoured to have been invited to moderate the online discussions on non-state actors’ engagement in the Action Agenda for Nature and People.

Please find below the guiding questions for this theme below.

Please note that the discussions for the on Online discussion group 1: Emerging best practices, needs and opportunities and Online discussion group 2: Development of concrete and measurable commitments will be held from 27 September 2021 to 17 October 2021.

Please note that participants must register and sign into the BCH in order to post messages.
Individuals wishing to participate via e-mail after these initial messages can choose to “watch” the discussions taking place under the different themes. These individuals will then receive copies of the posted messages by e-mail.

We look forward to your discussions.

We would also like to encourage you to view the recorded session of the webinar on biosafety commitments to the Action Agenda if you were not able to participate in the webinar. The recorded webinar will be available at https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/.

Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement

1. What do you consider are the key challenges and biosafety topics that need more attention from non-state actors on the long-term to implement in the Implementation Plan for the Cartagena Protocol?
2. In your opinion, which regions need more support for implementing the Implementation Plan? What are the priorities for non-state actors?
3. What do you consider as the benefits of engaging more non-state actors, in particular women, youth and/or indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), in supporting the the Implementation Plan for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, target related to biosafety in the Global Biosafety Framework and/or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
4. In what way can cooperation efforts in biosafety units or among ministries enhance non-state actor’s engagement and implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (e.g. set up organized task force, joint strategies, programmes, high-level activities, sharing of guidance materials and/or mainstreaming biosafety into other sectors)?

Best regards,


• Austria:
Mr. Helmut Gaugitsch
• Croplife International:
Ms. Sarah Lukie
• Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal:
Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai
• Every Woman Hope Centre:
Ms. Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu
• Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture:
Mr. Pedro Rocha
• KROK University:
Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst
• BCH Project Regional Specialist for francophone Africa:
Mr. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2021-10-08 18:45 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-09-27 16:31 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
Thème 2 : L'importance et les besoins des implications et de l'engagement en matière de biosécurité, Groupe de discussion en ligne 2 [#11121]

Chers participants au Forum,

Nous sommes ravis et honorés d'avoir été invités à modérer les discussions en ligne sur l'engagement des acteurs non étatiques dans le Programme d'Action pour la Nature et les Peuples
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les questions d'orientation pour le thème ci-dessous.

Veuillez noter que les discussions pour le groupe de discussion en ligne 1 : Meilleures pratiques émergentes, besoins et opportunités et Groupe de discussion en ligne 2 : Développement d'engagements concrets et mesurables se tiendront du 27 septembre 2021 au 17 octobre 2021.
Veuillez noter que les participants doivent s'inscrire et se connecter au CEPRB afin de poster des messages.

Les personnes souhaitant participer par e-mail après ces premiers messages peuvent choisir de «regarder » les discussions qui se déroulent sous les différents thèmes. Ces personnes recevront ensuite des copies des messages postés par courrier électronique.

Nous attendons vos discussions avec impatience.

Nous aimerions également vous encourager à visionner la session enregistrée du webinaire sur les engagements en matière de biosécurité dans le Programme d'Action si vous n'avez pas pu participer au webinaire. Le webinaire enregistré est disponible sur https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/.

Thème 2 : L'importance et les besoins des implications et de l'engagement en matière de biosécurité

1. Selon vous, quels sont les principaux défis et sujets de biosécurité qui nécessitent plus d'attention de la part des acteurs non étatiques à long terme pour être mis en œuvre dans le plan de mise en œuvre du Protocole de Cartagena ?
2. À votre avis, quelles régions ont besoin de plus de soutien pour mettre en œuvre le plan de mise en œuvre ? Quelles sont les priorités des acteurs non étatiques ?
3. Quels sont selon vous les avantages d'impliquer davantage d'acteurs non étatiques, en particulier les femmes, les jeunes et/ou les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales (PACL), dans le soutien du Plan de mise en œuvre du Protocole de Cartagena sur la Prévention des Risques Biotechnologiques, cible liée à la biosécurité dans le Cadre Mondial de Biosécurité et/ou les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) ?
4. De quelle manière les efforts de coopération dans les unités de biosécurité ou entre les ministères peuvent-ils améliorer l'engagement des acteurs non étatiques et la mise en œuvre du Protocole de Cartagena sur la biosécurité (par exemple, mettre en place un groupe de travail organisé, des stratégies conjointes, des programmes, des activités de haut niveau, le partage de documents d'orientation et/ou l'intégration de la biosécurité dans d'autres secteurs) ?

Meilleures salutations,


• L'Autriche:
M. Helmut Gaugitsch
• Croplife International :
Mme Sarah Lukie
• Folklore himalayen, Réseaux de connaissances et de peuples autochtones, Fédération des associations autochtones de Kirant, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Népal :
M. Kamal Kumar Rai
• Centre d'espoir Chaque femme :
Mme Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu
• Institut interaméricain de coopération pour l'agriculture :
M. Pedro Rocha
• Université KROK :
M. Serhiy Vykhryst
• Spécialiste régional du projet CEPRB pour l'Afrique francophone :
M. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2021-10-08 18:46 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-09-27 17:20 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
Tema 2: La importancia y las necesidades de los compromisos y el compromiso en materia de bioseguridad, [#11122]

Estimados participantes del Foro,
Nos complace y nos honra haber sido invitados a moderar los debates en línea sobre la participación de los actores no estatales en la Agenda de Acción por la Naturaleza y las Personas

A continuación encontrarán las preguntas orientadoras para este tema.

Por favor, tengan en cuenta que los debates para el grupo de discusión en línea 1: Mejores prácticas, necesidades y oportunidades emergentes y el grupo de discusión en línea 2: Desarrollo de compromisos concretos y medibles se celebrarán del 27 de septiembre de 2021 al 17 de octubre de 2021.

Tenga en cuenta que los participantes deben registrarse e iniciar sesión en el BCH para poder enviar mensajes.

Las personas que deseen participar por correo electrónico después de estos mensajes iniciales pueden optar por "ver" los debates que tienen lugar en los diferentes temas. Estas personas recibirán copias de los mensajes publicados por correo electrónico.

Esperamos con interés sus debates.

También nos gustaría animarles a ver la sesión grabada del seminario web sobre los compromisos de bioseguridad en la Agenda de Acción si no pudieron participar en el seminario web. La grabación del webinar está disponible en https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/

Tema 2: La importancia y las necesidades de los compromisos y el compromiso en materia de bioseguridad

1. ¿Cuáles considera que son los principales desafíos y temas de bioseguridad que necesitan más atención por parte de los actores no estatales a largo plazo para aplicar en el Plan de Implementación del Protocolo de Cartagena?
2. En su opinión, ¿qué regiones necesitan más apoyo para aplicar el Plan de Aplicación? ¿Cuáles son las prioridades para los actores no estatales?
3. ¿Cuáles considera que son los beneficios de involucrar a más actores no estatales, en particular a las mujeres, los jóvenes y/o los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales (IPLC), en el apoyo al Plan de Implementación del Protocolo de Cartagena sobre Seguridad de la Biotecnología, la meta relacionada con la seguridad de la biotecnología en el Marco Global de Seguridad de la Biotecnología y/o los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)?
4. ¿De qué manera los esfuerzos de cooperación en las unidades de bioseguridad o entre los ministerios pueden mejorar el compromiso de los actores no estatales y la aplicación del Protocolo de Cartagena sobre Seguridad de la Biotecnología (por ejemplo, la creación de un grupo de trabajo organizado, estrategias conjuntas, programas, actividades de alto nivel, el intercambio de materiales de orientación y/o la integración de la bioseguridad en otros sectores)?

Saludos cordiales,

• Austria:
Sr. Helmut Gaugitsch
• Croplife Internacional:
Sra. Sarah Lukie
• Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal:
Sr. Kamal Kumar Rai
• Every Woman Hope Centre:
Sra. Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu
• Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura:
Sr. Pedro Rocha
• Universidad KROK:
Sr. Serhiy Vykhryst
• Especialista regional del proyecto BCH para el África francófona:
Sr. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2021-10-08 18:46 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-09-27 17:25 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
الموضوع 2: أهمية واحتياجات الالتزامات والتعهدات في مجال السلامة الأحيائية [#11128]
نُشر نيابة عن مديري المنتدى

السادة المشاركون في المنتدى ،
يسعدنا ويشرفنا أن تمت دعوتنا لإدارة المناقشات عبر الإنترنت حول مشاركة الجهات الفاعلة غير الحكومية في أجندة العمل الخاصة بالطبيعة والناس
الرجاء الاطلاع على الأسئلة الإرشادية لهذا الموضوع أدناه.
يرجى الملاحظة أن المناقشات الخاصة بمجموعة المناقشة على الإنترنت عدد 1: أفضل الممارسات والاحتياجات والفرص الناشئة ومجموعة المناقشة عبر الإنترنت عدد 2: تطوير التزامات ملموسة وقابلة للقياس ستعقد في الفترة من 27 سبتمبر 2021 إلى 17 أكتوبر 2021.
يرجى الملاحظة أنه يجب على المشاركين التسجيل والدخول إلى غرفة تبادل معلومات السلامة الأحيائية من أجل إرسال الرسائل.
يمكن للأفراد الراغبين في المشاركة عبر البريد الإلكتروني بعد هذه الرسائل الأولية اختيار "مشاهدة" المناقشات التي تجري تحت المواضيع المختلفة. سيتلقى هؤلاء الأفراد بعد ذلك نسخًا من الرسائل المنشورة عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
نحن في انتظار مناقشاتكم
نود أيضًا أن نشجعكم على مشاهدة الجلسة المسجلة للندوة عبر الإنترنت حول التزامات السلامة الأحيائية ببرنامج العمل إذا لم تكن قادرًا على المشاركة في الندوة عبر الإنترنت. الندوة المسجلة على الويب متاحة على https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/

الموضوع 2: أهمية واحتياجات الالتزامات والتعهدات في مجال السلامة الأحيائية
1. ما هي التحديات الرئيسية ومواضيع السلامة الأحيائية التي تحتاج إلى مزيد من الاهتمام من الجهات الفاعلة الغير حكومية على المدى الطويل لتنفيذها في خطة تنفيذ بروتوكول قرطاجنة؟
2. حسب رأيك ، ما هي المناطق التي تحتاج إلى مزيد من الدعم لتنفيذ خطة تنفيذ بروتوكول قرطاجنة ؟ ما هي أولويات الجهات الفاعلة الغير حكومية؟
3. ما هو الذي تعتبره فوائد إشراك المزيد من الجهات الفاعلة الغير حكومية ، ولا سيما النساء والشباب و/أو الشعوب الأصلية والمجتمعات المحلية (IPLCs) ، في دعم خطة تنفيذ بروتوكول قرطاجنة للسلامة الأحيائية ، الهدف المتعلق بـالسلامة الأحيائية في الإطار العالمي للسلامة الأحيائية و/أو أهداف التنمية المستدامة  (SDGs)؟
4. كيف يمكن لجهود التعاون في وحدات السلامة الأحيائية أو فيما بين الوزارات أن تعزّز مشاركة الجهات الفاعلة الغير حكومية وتنفيذ بروتوكول قرطاجنة للسلامة الأحيائية (على سبيل المثال، إنشاء فرقة عمل منظمة ، واستراتيجيات وبرامج مشتركة ، وأنشطة رفيعة المستوى ، وتقاسم المواد الإرشادية و/أو تعميم السلامة الأحيائية في القطاعات الأخرى)؟

تحياتي الحارة،
مديري المنتدى:
• النمسا:
السيد هيلموت جاوجيتش
• كروبلايف انترناشونال:
السيدة سارة لوكي
• الفولكلور في جبال الهيمالايا ، وشبكات المعارف والشعوب الأصلية ، واتحاد جمعيات السكان الأصليين في كيرانت ، وجمعية حفظ التنوع البيولوجي للأراضي الرطبة في نيبال:
السيد كمال كومار راي
• مركز أمل كل امرأة:
السيدة إديل كوين أغباجبو
• معهد البلدان الأمريكية للتعاون في الزراعة:
السيد بيدرو روشا
• جامعة كورك:
السيد سيرهي فيكريست
• الاختصاصي الإقليمي لمشروع غرفة تبادل معلومات السلامة الأحيائية لأفريقيا الناطقة بالفرنسية:
السيد محمد الياس كشك
(edited on 2021-10-08 18:46 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-09-27 21:47 UTC by Prof. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk, Tunisia
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11132]
Уважаемые участники Форума,

Для нас большое удовольствие и честь быть приглашенными модерировать онлайн-обсуждения, посвященные участию негосударственных субъектов в Программе действий в интересах природы и людей.

Обратите внимание, что обсуждения в онлайн-дискуссионной группе 1: Новые передовые практики, потребности и возможности, а также в онлайн-дискуссионной группе 2: Разработка конкретных и измеримых обязательств пройдут с 27 сентября по 17 октября 2021 года.
Для того, чтобы отправлять сообщения, участники должны зарегистрироваться и войти в Механизм посредничества по биобезопасности (МПБ).

Желающие участвовать посредством электронной почты могут после этих первых сообщений выбрать функцию «наблюдать» (“watch”) за обсуждениями по разным темам. В этом случае они будут получать копии сообщений по электронной почте.
Мы с нетерпением ждем ваших обсуждений.

Мы также хотели бы предложить вам ознакомиться с записью веб-семинара, посвященного вопросам обязательств по биобезопасности в соответствии с Программой действий, если вы не смогли принять в нем участие. Запись веб-семинара доступна по адресу https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/

С наилучшими пожеланиями,


• Austria:
Mr. Helmut Gaugitsch
• Croplife International:
Ms. Sarah Lukie
• Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal:
Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai
• Every Woman Hope Centre:
Ms. Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu
• Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture:
Mr. Pedro Rocha
• KROK University:
Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst
• BCH Project Regional Specialist for francophone Africa:
Mr. Mohamed Elyes Kchouk
(edited on 2021-10-08 18:46 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-09-27 22:03 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
主题 2:生物安全承诺和参与的重要性和需求 [#11135]








如果您无法参加网络研讨会,我们还鼓励您观看“对行动议程的生物安全承诺”的网络研讨会的录制会议。录制的版本可在 https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/ 进行查看。

主题 2:生物安全承诺和参与的重要性和需求

1. 您认为在《卡塔赫纳议定书》的实施计划中,哪些关键的挑战和生物安全议题需要非国家行动者长期给予更多关注?
2. 在您看来,哪些地区在实施《实施计划》方面需要更多支持?非国家行动者的优先事项是什么?
3. 您认为让更多非国家行动者,特别是妇女、青年和/或原住民和当地社区 (IPLC) 参与支持《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》的实施计划,《全球生物安全框架》中与生物安全有关的目标和/或可持续发展目标,有哪些好处?
4. 生物安全单位或部门之间的合作努力可以以何种方式加强非国家行动者对《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》的参与和执行(例如,建立有组织的工作队、联合战略、项目、高级别活动、分享指导材料和/或将生物安全纳入其他部门的主流)?


•奥地利:Helmut Gaugitsc先生
•国际植保协会:Sarah Lukie女士
•喜马拉雅民间传说、土著知识和民族网络、基兰特土著协会联合会、尼泊尔湿地生物多样性保护协会:Kamal Kumar Rai先生
•妇女希望中心:Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu女士
•美洲农业合作研究所:Pedro Rocha先生
•克罗克大学:Serhiy Vykhryst先生
•BCH非洲法语区项目区域专家:Mohamed Elyes Kchouk先生
(edited on 2021-10-08 18:47 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety)
posted on 2021-09-27 23:54 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11175]
Thank you to the moderators and participants on this online forum for allowing discussion on this important topic.
Specifically to point 3 on benefits of engaging more non state actors in particular women, youth and IPLCs-
There are many benefits to engaging broadly with non-state actors including gaining an insight into traditional methods and knowledge that have been used over time, looking for ways to integrate these methods with any non-traditional methods under development/consideration, making sure that communities are represented in plans and have the ability to participate from the planning stages and not just as recipients of information after a project has been launched, and fostering co-ownership of projects, plans and processes.
From a biosafety risk assessment point of view understanding view points of these non-state actors is critical to determining scope as this information will outline the community values, concerns, and needs that allow protection goals to be more specifically described. For example this could allow locally acceptable measures for sustainable land and natural resource use.
Thank you
Brinda Dass, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, USA
posted on 2021-10-04 17:54 UTC by Dr Brinda Dass, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11205]
Dear Brinda Dass,

Thank you for your contribution, especially on the benefits of non-state actors’ engagement. I think your submission on gaining insight into traditional methods and knowledge is in line with moving towards environmental literacy on biosafety and biodiversity issues, to harness both human resources and technical capacities. My organization, Every Woman Hope Centre, (EWHC) advocates that this is a good practices and relevant strategy to entrench expanded knowledge on environmental sustainability and conservation innovations with upscaling potentials. It will also enhance the identification of selected practices that show the way to go, to positively address both direct and indirect pressures on biodiversity; and establish a good reference in preparing national and local strategies, including a program-wide knowledge management plan for the action agenda. 

Remarkably, women embody specific knowledge of biodiversity and apply this in many sustainable manners. Her traditional knowledge is respected in the society, as their role in managing the interphase between wild and domesticated species of edible plants for instance, dates back to 15000 – 19000 BC.

In addition to this, there is a significant large pool of rural-based human capital; and engaging more non-state actors, particularly women, youth and IPLCs in the agenda shall facilitate effective combination and analysis of critical information sets, to develop appropriate evidence-based decisions and outcome at all levels, including the grass root.

Increased attention should be given to those that would have direct influence on areas with high biodiversity influence, but limited access to participation and management. Thus, there is urgent need to develop guidelines and tools to adequately mainstream the non-state actors in forthcoming frameworks and partnerships as well as integrate their initiatives and knowledge in targeted activities, such as the action agenda.

Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11215]
Thank you to the organizers for providing a platform for these important discussions.

I would like to contribute to this discussion by supporting the contribution from Brinda Dass [Post #11175] about the need to engage more non-state actors in particular women, youth and IPLCs to consider their knowledge and perspective to co-develop projects with them, and not treat them only as recipients of the information.

Target Malaria's partner institutions are all committed to such an approach. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some examples of this commitment to engagement and to the empowerment of other non-state actors led by our African partners:

- Paper on knowledge engagement with communities about LMO containing engineered gene drive https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0007233
- Paper on the engagement prior to the release of a transgenic sterile male mosquito strain without gene drive in Burkina Faso https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34627240/
- Paper on the establishment of a glossary to better engage communities on genetically modified mosquitoes https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-020-03577-y
posted on 2021-10-15 15:06 UTC by Naima Sykes, Imperial College London
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11230]
Specifically for Item 1 and 3, the following are my thoughts:

1. Public participation and socio-economic considerations especially if the voluntary nature of Articles 23 and 26 will be explicit in the goals and objectives of the Implementation Plan and the Capacity Building Action Plan of the Cartagena Protocol and Parties would only implement them if they choose to do so.

3. Recognition of the role of indigenous peoples and local communities in achieving the objectives o the Cartagena Protocol, incorporation of indigenous and local knowledge, innovations, and practices in risk assessment and risk management of LMOs, and considering socio-economic and cultural considerations into account in decision-making with regard to LMOs.
posted on 2021-10-16 13:27 UTC by Ms. Milanie June Cadalig Batang-ay, Tebtebba Foundation
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11244]
Dear Milanie,

Thank you very much for singling out Articles 23 and 26 of the Cartagena Protocol as those requiring more attention from non-state actors on the long-term to implement in the Implementation Plan for the Cartagena Protocol. Indeed, national biosafety frameworks shall provide for specific modalities and procedural requirements of access to information and public participation in decision-making regarding LMOs/GMOs (Article 23(2)). Such modalities have better chances to be complied with when they are supported by appropriate access to justice provisions.
posted on 2021-10-17 22:31 UTC by Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst, KROK University
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11249]
Dear colleagues,

I would like to provide some information on the question related to the benefits of engaging women and indigenous peoples and local communities in supporting the Cartagena Protocol implementation.

We are currently carrying out a GEF-funded project (ProDoc stage) together with FAO for the implementation of Cartagena Protocol in the Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia. FAO has strong commitments to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which were reflected in this project. It is also a mandatory component of GEF programmes that a Gender Action Plan is integrated into any funded projects.

I apologize for not being able to share all this information at this point as the project has not yet been formally submitted. But few considerations within the context of this project can be shared with you.

In the context of the Cartagena Protocol Implementation in developing countries, such as the Kyrgyz Republic, it should be recognized that the impact of introducing living modified organisms (LMOs) could be gender-differentiated. In this case, for example, it is relevant that any implementation project in this area ensures that both women and men benefit from biodiversity sustainable use and this can only be achieved when women and/or IPLCs are effectively engaged in implementation initiatives.

In such projects, a GENDER ANALYSIS REPORT (country gender overview with focusing on the biosafety issues under Cartagena Protocol in the Kyrgyz Republic) is performed in order to guide the project’s Gender Action Plan (GAP) for the three years of implementation plan.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to share information.

Best regards,

posted on 2021-10-18 00:27 UTC by Dr. Sarah Agapito-Tenfen, Food and Agriculture Organization to the United Nations
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11254]
Thank you Dr. Sarah Agapito-Tenfen, for your insightful contribution and your passion for gender. Your highlights on the benefits of engaging women and indigenous peoples and local communities in supporting the Cartagena Protocol implementation are quite encouraging. It underscores the mandatory component of GEF programmes that Gender Action Plan be integrated into all funded projects.

It is also exciting to note your opinion that, “it is relevant that any implementation project in this area ensures that both women and men benefit from biodiversity sustainable use and this can only be achieved when women and/or IPLCs are effectively engaged in implementation initiatives’. Most interesting is your ongoing GEF-funded project (ProDoc stage), together with FAO for the implementation of Cartagena Protocol in the Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia. This is a practical example of “thinking globally and acting locally”.

I think that this can be replicated in Nigeria for greater impact in supporting the Cartagena Protocol implementation. EWHC is very much interested and willing to participate in this project for Nigeria, in the context of the Cartagena Protocol Implementation in developing countries.

Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu
ED/EWHC, Nigeria
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11256]
Posted on behalf of Mr. Mr. Kamal Kumar Rai,  Himalayan Folklore, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Networks, Federation of Kirant Indigenous Associations, Society for Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Nepal:

Dear Sarah,

Greeting from IPLCs, it is heartily acknowledgement that you brought up important issues, I agree with you the indigenous feminism and custodianship is is being important in this regards,

We may extend the discussion one week more,

Thanks with regards
posted on 2021-10-18 12:37 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11268]
Since 2017, the National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP), the country’s highest policy/advisory body on  biosafety/biotechnology has been working for mainstreaming/inclusion of biosafety into other sectors, specifically in the curricula of all universities and colleges in the country, under the General Education Course on “Science, Technology and Society”. Moreover, efforts to include biosafety at the secondary level has also been explored.

Engagement of non-state actors such as universities and  educational institutions may be encouraged through partnership and by undertaking awareness raising, outreach and capacity-building activities for mainstreaming biosafety. These will equip and prepare them to contribute to the mainstreaming process in a productive way. By introducing information on Living Modified Organisms, Biosafety and Biotechnology into school curricula at the secondary level through the university system, the understanding of biosafety is expected to be mainstreamed, contributing to a national system for awareness raising/education and public participation.
posted on 2021-10-22 05:52 UTC by Ms. Maria Lorelie U. Agbagala, Philippines
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11278]
Building off of Question #3 in Theme 1, it’s important that non-state actors are able to uniquely contribute to capacity-building efforts that enhance the capacity of countries to meet and achieve goals of the Implementation Plan. They are able to communicate regarding the processes related to the review and safe use of LMOs, giving productive insights and support for meeting several goals, such as, goal A.5 - Parties carry out scientifically sound risk assessments of LMOs, and manage and control identified risks to prevent adverse effects of LMOs on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity

Non-state actors can also contribute to goal B.3 (Parties promote and facilitate public awareness, education and participation on the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs) by sharing their experiences and outreach tools for engaging with the public related to the safe use of LMOs.

Thank you,
Adam Cornish
posted on 2021-10-24 10:53 UTC by Mr. Adam Cornish, U.S. Department of State
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11286]
Dear Adam,

Thank you very much for your valuable observation. I believe it is worth mentioning, that in the Implementation Plan for the Cartagena Protocol there is also the Capacity-building Action Plan with specific activities for each Implementation Plan goal that non-state actors can make a commitment to.
posted on 2021-10-24 21:38 UTC by Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst, KROK University
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11292]
Thanks Adam for your comment. Totally agree with it. Capacity building will be enriched with non-state actors' experiences in line with Art 22 CPB.
Examples of such kinds of actions have been successfully developed for risk assessment in LAC countries.
posted on 2021-10-25 14:06 UTC by Dr. Pedro Rocha, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
RE: Theme 2: The importance and needs of biosafety commitments and engagement, online discussion group 1. [#11298]
Posted on behalf of Ms. Priscilla Nzamalu, Ark of Food and Nutrition Security/Sovereignty (AFANSO):

Life is safe when we eat safe. Biosafety commitments and engagement should be taken seriously by all governments and legal bodies that wish their citizens wellness and health. Biodiversity is key to affluence with abundance which has become a rare commodity to many nations. Our different nations strive towards civilization but few can claim to have successful civilization so far due to the great damage caused to nature.  We need to rethink our biosafety approaches and commit ourselves more to biodiversity and biosafety.

Best wishes,

posted on 2021-10-25 14:57 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety