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Outcomes from the Aarhus Convention GMO session, Interim budget and Invitation to African awareness webinar [#10999]
Dear participants,

Please find some biosafety updates below.

List of key outcomes from the Aarhus Convention's Task Force on Access to Information: GMO session, including presentation on the programme of work on public awareness and participation regarding LMOs from the SCBD - http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=53318

Press release: UN Biodiversity Convention adopts 2021 interim budget - https://cbd.int/doc/press/2020/pr-2020-11-27-budget-en.pdf?dowload

Invitation to Nigeria's Every Woman Hope Centre's webinar on SCBD's Action Agenda and Biosafety Awareness, 8 December 2020, including the Head of the Biosafety Unit will also speak at the meeting - https://everywomanhopecentre.org/webinar/

Best regards,
posted on 2020-12-02 03:15 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety