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Reminder informal session in preparation for SBI-3, outcome of biosafety webinar, draft outline of a new gender plan of action and webinar on agriculture [#11036]
Dear participants,

Informal session in preparation for SBI 3, 8-12 March and 14 March - https://www.cbd.int/conferences/sbstta24-sbi3 and https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2021/ntf-2021-009-sbstta-sbi-en.pdf?dowload

Outcome of Every Woman Hope Centre webinar for biosafety commitments to the Action Agenda for Nature and People - https://everywomanhopecentre.org/webinar/

Notification: Consultation on an updated draft outline of a new gender plan of action - https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2021/ntf-2021-014-gender-en.pdf

Stakeholder open webinar – sustainable agriculture and food systems transition: Linkages to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, 23 March 2021, 7:00 – 9:00 am EDT -  https://www.cbd.int/doc/c/95f4/4731/6a2658484ab350a086fc472d/post2020-om-2021-03-01-en.pdf

Best regards,
posted on 2021-03-08 15:49 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety