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Ongoing online discussions (to 17 Sept), outcome of virtual session and adoption of Kunming Declaration [#11204]
Dear participants of the online discussions,

Ongoing online discussions on biosafety and the Action Agenda, to 17 Sept. - https://bch.cbd.int/onlineconferences/portal_art23/actionagendaforum/
Quote from Mr. Pedro Rocha, a moderator - https://www.facebook.com/UN.Biosafety

Outocome and presentations of the seventh session on biotechnology and biosafety by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, including presentation on the Action Agenda and biosafety commitments -  https://sites.google.com/iica.int/biotecnologia-y-bioseguridad/actividades-tecnicas/seminarios-virtuales/pre-cop-mop15/sesion-15

Press release: UN Biodiversity Conference’s High-Level Segment sees creation of Kunming Biodiversity Fund, adoption of Kunming Declaration, building political impetus for adoption of ambitious post2020 global biodiversity framework - https://www.cbd.int/doc/press/2021/pr-2021-10-13-cop15-hls-en.pdf

Best regards,
posted on 2021-10-13 22:30 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety