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Bulletin Board

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Starting today: Global risk assessment workshop, 30 -31 Oct. and Reminders [#11921]
Dear participants,

Please find some updates.

Starting today: Global risk assessment workshop, 30 and 31 October 2023, Montreal, Canada -
Group photo: https://twitter.com/BCHCPB/status/1719094667818483993/photo/1

Reminder: Survey on guiding materials and practical examples such as the joint CBD/Aarhus Convention pocket guide on Article 23 by 20 November (for the 4th joint roundtable in Geneva, in December) - https://twitter.com/BCHCPB/status/1716858967270281398

Reminder: Upcoming meeting: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment - 1–3 November 2023, Montreal, Canada - https://twitter.com/BCHCPB/status/1716862332163211468

Reminder: Notification on Fourth Joint Aarhus Convention and Convention on Biological Diversity Round Table on Public Awareness, Education, Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice regarding Living Modified Organisms/Genetically Modified Organisms, 11-12 December 2023 – Geneva, Switzerland - https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2023/ntf-2023-112-bs-en.pdf?dowload&fbclid=IwAR2wkhiFTkVZjO7Jv6QKr7XoFTTP8i2pl3y2sc2gpR3hzsHgLuLdVoGwtpY

Best regards,
posted on 2023-10-30 21:00 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety