Cycle 2 starts today and ends on Sunday, 23 August
Dear members of the AHTEG Sub-group,
I would like to express gratitude to Angela, Fran and Marja for your contributions, dedication and very hard work during the first cycle of revisions to the text of the Guidance. Your proposed revisions form an excellent basis for the work ahead – thank you!
In accordance with the "schedule of work" for Sub-group, I am pleased to inform that Cycle 2 of the exercise starts today with the following distribution of work:
Francisca - Section 2 (pages 11-15)
Marja - Section 3 (pages 16-20)
Wei - Section 4 (pages 22-32)
Abisai - Section 5 (pages 33-60)
Angela - Section 1 (pages 5-11)
*** Cycle 2 starts today and ends on Sunday, 23 August ***
The revised background documents containing the text of the Guidance for each of the five sections with the changes proposed during Cycle 1 are available for your next task at (PLEASE go to this address and download the documents for the section you are responsible for as indicated above).
Please note that the line numbers in the documents containing revisions will shift slightly as a result of the changes, and care must be taken to locate the text lines that are referred to in the comments from the testing. If you have difficulties locating the correct text, please refer to the line numbers in the original Guidance (
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question. Thank you.
Please keep up the excellent work!
Best wishes,
posted on 2015-08-17 21:23 UTC by Ms. Manoela Miranda, UNEP/SCBD