Strategic Plan
Strategic plan for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the period 2011-2020 was adopted in November 2010, in Paragraph 1 of
decision BS-V/16, at the Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in Nagoya, Japan. It is contained in the annex to the decision and is divided into five focal areas of which the second, Capacity-building, and fourth, Information sharing, are relevant to the BCH.
With regards to the Focal Area 2,
Capacity-building, the strategic objective is to ensure that the BCH is easily accessed by all established stakeholders, in particular in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Outcomes of this objective include that tools are easily accessible through the BCH to facilitate implementation of the Protocol.
With regards to the Focal Area 4,
Information sharing, the strategic objective is to enhance the availability and exchange of relevant information. The operational objectives are to (i) enhance the BCH’s effectiveness by increasing the amount and quality of information submitted to and retrieved from the BCH, (ii) use the BCH as a tool for online discussions and conferences, thereby establishing the BCH as a fully functional and effective platform for assisting countries in the implementation of the Protocol and (iii) share information by means other than through the BCH in order to enhance understanding through other information exchange mechanisms.
Further details, including outcomes and indicators, regarding these focal areas are accessible in
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