Profile information and status |
Country |
Eritrea |
Date of signature |
- |
Date of ratification |
2005-03-10 |
Date of entry into force |
2005-06-08 |
Profile revision |
- |
Profile status |
Profile last updated on |
- |
A zero value is provided in the column 'Number of records' because this information does not exist for the following categories of information:
Decision on LMO under Advance Informed Agreement
Decision on LMO for FFP under Article 11
Risk Assessment
Other Decision or Declaration
Report on Biosafety Expert Assignment
Capacity Building Project
Country Needs and Priorities
Information is not yet being reported for the following category of information:
National Biosafety Website or Database: So far no National Biosafety website and Database exists, but as part of the NBF project we are trying to establish database and propose National Biosafety website.
Law, Regulation or Guideline: There are no explicit laws and regulation addressing LMOs in the country. However there are pieces of regulations with a bearing on Biotechnology. The existing Laws, Regulations and Proclamations were reviewed as part of the NBF project and we come up to a point where specific Biosafety laws are required. To this effect the NBF project is expected to draft Biosafety law.
Regional or International Agreement: With the exception of membership in Regional networks such as ASARECA, there are no Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral Agreements specifically dealing with LMOs. But we believe that cooperation and engaging in such agreements are crucial in handling transboundary movement of LMOs.
Source: Correspondence to the Secretariat from Mr. Mogos Woldeyohannis, Eritrea's National Focal Point for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB-NFP) (6 March 2007)