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Search for information on Capacity-Building

On this page you can search for: (i) Biosafety Capacity Building Projects, which contains information on project status and location, lead organization(s) and contacts, objectives and activities, lessons learned, a brief description of each project and web links for detailed information; (ii) Capacity-Building Opportunities, which includes information on one-time, short-term capacity building opportunities, such as: funding grants, scholarships and fellowships, technical assistance, training workshops, internships/apprenticeships, study tours, partnerships, discussion forums and others; (iii) Compendium of Academically-Accredited Biosafety Courses, which includes a listing of recurrent academically-accredited biosafety education and training programs offered around the world.; (iv) Capacity-Building Needs and Priorities, which includes the capacity requirements of Parties for the implementation of the Biosafety Protocol, identified and categorized in line with the elements of the Capacity-building Action Plan.

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Project, Opportunities, Needs and Priorities
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