Needs and modalities not specific enough: conclusions and recommendations.
Dear Colleagues,
I believe that it will be more useful to state specific conclusions and recommendations as the outcomes of this Forum and also to further specify the identified gaps (under both themes 2 and 3).
Milena Roudna's suggestion of establishing an Ad-Hoc Working Group might address all other suggestions stated under this Theme 4 (Conclusions and Recommendations).
Do you agree? If so, what terms of reference (TOR) would you like to propose for establishing Ad-Hoc Working Group?
Please note that I do not know if establishing such a working group is the best and most effective modality to address the implementation of Article 18.3 and identified needs and gaps.
Whatever is being proposed so far seems to lack specifics about "the need for and modalities of developing standards with regard to identification, handling, packaging and transport practices" - the very reason why this Forum is being conducted.
[email protected]
posted on 2009-06-04 16:34 UTC by Guna Sutra