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Mr. Johansen T. Voker

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Online Discussion: Techniques for engaging the public

28 April – 9 May 2014

The Online Discussion has been extended: 16 May 2014

Article 23 of the Protocol requires Parties to, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations, consult the public in the decision-making process regarding living modified organisms and shall make the results of such decisions available to the public, while respecting confidential information in accordance with Article 21.

This online discussion aims to facilitate exchange of views and information regarding the techniques of public participation in the context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

Expected outcome

Strengthened familiarity with and guidance to public participation, including:

(a) Implementation of programme element 4 of the Programme of Workon public awareness, education and participation concerning the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs, which was adopted by the fifth meeting of the Parties to the Protocol in decision BS-V/13;

(b) Subject to available funding, based on decision BS-V/13, paragraph 7, and the operational objective 1.3 of the Programme of Work, a toolkit on public participation for Parties and other stakeholders implementing the Programme of Work;

(c) Based on decision BS/V-13, paragraph 4, a summary of the outcomes in a report at the eight meeting of the Parties;

(d) Resource materials in the BCH as a repository of documents and other resource materials


  • Theme 1: Public debates
  • Theme 2: Surveys
  • Theme 3: Public meetings
  • Theme 4: Advisory bodies
  • Theme 5: Online modern techniques
  • Theme 6: Traditional techniques

Please note that each theme has guiding questions.

Participation in the online discussion can be done by posting messages directly online under each theme or downloading the themes and guiding questions to respond to the questions and then posting responses under each theme.

Participants must first sign in to the BCH in order to post messages. Once signed in, participants can reply to a message by clicking the ‘reply’ button found under the text of that message.

Please also review the modalities and the general guidelines.

Keywords Author Topic

PP Forum: Techniques for engaging the public

Please note that the online discussion has been extended to 16 May 2014

This Forum is closed.


Participation in the Discussion

Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations are invited to nominate individuals involved in, or responsible for, promoting public participation to participate in the Forum.

Nominations should be sent to the Secretariat by email [email protected] and/or [email protected].

Please note that you need to be a registered BCH user to participate. If you are not yet a registered BCH user, please click here to create a BCH account.