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Modified Organism
SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 - Insect Resistant Maize
6record(s) found
Risk Assessment
Uso de Maíz BT11 x MIR162 (SYN-BT011-1 x SYN-1R162-4) como alimento o materia prima para la elaboración de alimentos para consumo humano
SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4
Corn, Maize
Intentional introduction into the environmentDirect use as foodDirect use as feedProcessingContained UseOther
Risk Assessment
Resolución 18585 Por la cual se autoriza a la empresa SYNGENTA S.A., el uso del Maíz Bt11 x MIR162 para consumo directo y/o como materia prima para la producción de alimentos para animales domésticos.
SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4
Corn, Maize
Intentional introduction into the environmentDirect use as foodDirect use as feedProcessingContained UseOther
Risk Assessment
European Union
Scientific Opinion on an application by Syngenta (EFSA-GMO-DE-2009-66) for placing on the market of herbicide tolerant and insect resistant maize Bt11 × MIR162 × MIR604 × GA21 and subcombinations independently of their origin for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/20031
SYN-BTØ11-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9, SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 x MON-ØØØ21-9, SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9, SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5, SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4, SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9, SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5, SYN-IR162-4 x MON-ØØØ21-9, SYN-IR162-4 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9, SYN-IR162-4 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5, SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9
Corn, Maize
Intentional introduction into the environmentDirect use as foodDirect use as feedProcessingContained UseOther
Risk Assessment
Maíz (Zea mays) genéticamente modificado. Resistente a Insectos Lepidópteros y Tolerante a Glufosinato de Amonio OCDE SYN-BT011-1 x SYN-IR162-4
SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4
Corn, Maize
Intentional introduction into the environmentDirect use as foodDirect use as feedProcessingContained UseOther
Risk Assessment
Republic of Korea
SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4
Intentional introduction into the environmentDirect use as foodDirect use as feedProcessingContained UseOther
Risk Assessment
South Africa
Risk assessment of BT11 x MIR162
SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4
Corn, Maize
Intentional introduction into the environmentDirect use as foodDirect use as feedProcessingContained UseOther